Working as a tour guide in the summer months, MatthewDBPrice has written several volumes on the history of France under the title, A Little History.
Recently he has also produced a podcast speaking about little-known figures in French history and has even created a virtual-tour series during the 2020 lockdown.
A Little History
Since 2016, I have been working on a series of history and travel books, under the title “A Little History of…”. With three books under my belt now, I am currently working on the fourth instalment.
Home Comfort Travel
With the Coronavirus Pandemic effectively halting all travel and tourism, I created a six-part virtual tour series in which I focussed on different aspects of history, culture and lifestyle in France.
Listen up
After the success of the virtual-tour series, I was inspired to create my own podcast. Working with the same title as my written work, I focused on the lives of influential, yet relatively unknown, characters from France’s past.